Changing large shirts that fit you

Many times we have in the closet a number of shirts that we are large (some successful aunts gifts, or gifts from events we attend). All these shirts are usable and convertible in excellent current shirts intervention (these tricks are used by many emerging urban designers).

For this the first thing to do is adjust the size, position yourself T
large, and mark with pins your shape and width of sleeves you'll want. Take off your shirt carefully and draw with chalk on the inside, the figure of the new shirt from the pins. Sew the figure with a sewing machine, cut the excess fabric. If the shirt is great and you're a woman, you can transform it into a short dress that you can use with leggings or skinny jeans.

Another technique to adjust the size, is turning his shirt to remodel. She puts on a shirt that fits you well, draw the shape of the shirt you want on the large (about 5 cm larger for sewing), cut the figure drawn, sewn with a machine new sewing flannel sheet.

Now it's your decision what to do with the new flannel you have. One option is to make another a little wider and tear on the front for use on the first, giving a rocker (a) casual,
Are you good at drawing, you can buy fabric dyes and make a design on it so you have a single piece of your own artistic creation.

Another option is to buy a heat transfer paper, make a software design in a picture or a design or picture off the internet and apply it on the fabric with hot irons.
Using scraps of fabric and buttons you can do with layers of flannel cutouts for you.

How the options are endless really, just up to you to update your wardrobe or not.